Saturday, October 29, 2011


I am beginning to really love Saturdays. Our weeks are so packed with schooling, swim lessons, church, MOPS, a homeschooling group/field trips, OB appointments, homeschool classes, and other random things that come up, that Saturdays are a nice break from it all! Somehow, I rarely have anything planned on Saturdays, and Tad usually works in the afternoon, so it's kind of a chill day for us around here. I love it. Because of my recent reading of Large Family Logistics, which I have mentioned lately, I have dubbed my Saturdays my kitchen day. I have not begun to master this, but my intention is to do my baking, extra cooking, and kitchen cleaning on this day. It seems like I never am in the kitchen as much as I mean to be, but with a toddler who constantly wants my attention and a 5 year old with lots of energy, it is hard to spend that much time in there!
This morning was glorious. Wake up with the husband. Have homemade waffles for breakfast. Eat leisurely at the table while the kids play. Have fresh-squeezed orange juice. Drink some pumpkin spice coffee. Then it got a little crazy as we were playing catch-up with school for Maddy since we had such a crazy week. But we got it all done this morning, so this afternoon the kids could just play and we could meander around and play, clean, and cook. We have yet to get our cookies baking in the oven, but it's nice to have nowhere to go tonight, no plans for today, and time to just relax a little!

Saturdays are a joy in my week. What are your little moments of joy during the week that keep you sane? Something you look forward to every week?

Thank you, Lord, for Saturdays. You know this mama needs rest. Thank you for providing it!

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