Thursday, October 20, 2011


Retreat. Really, a word that every mom can resonate with, or at least hope for quite frequently. I was not planning on taking a retreat at any time in the near future, but God knew I was ready for one. I was feeling overwhelmed, overloaded, busy, and like I didn't have the energy to keep up with it all. First of all, I talked to my mother-in-law, and she helped me with some of the practical aspects of getting all of the important things done, and getting my priorities in order. The words of encouragement were much appreciated!!
Second of all, there was a Women's Retreat coming up for our church ladies. The sign-ups had been up for months and months. I had never been on a Women's Retreat, and I never thought I would be able to go since Tad would have to work. So I never gave it a second thought. Ironically (but not really), Tad's work schedule got changed about 3 days before they were suppose to leave, and he got the whole weekend off. His boss put a notice in his box that changed all of his days off, giving him that specific weekend off. Coincidence? I think not! God knew where I was. He heard my cries. I believe He planned the entire situation!
So Tad talked to the Pastor's wife and signed me up, at the very last possible time, and I got to experience a wonderful time away from home! Not that I don't love my family, but this was only the 3rd time I have been away from being a mom since Maddy was born! The retreat was just what I needed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The food was amazing, the free time was much needed, and the sessions we went to spoke to my heart and challenged me right where I was at. It was about cultivating the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. But I have a tendency to focus on what I need to be doing, and what I'm not doing right. The biggest thing that stuck out to me for the weekend was, "You don't grow by trying, you grow by abiding." (John 15) That was exactly what I needed to hear. The most important thing right now for me is to be with God daily. Whether that's for a half hour, praying while I'm going about my day, meditating on Scripture, or being still to listen to Him, I need to just be with Him. That's where the fruit comes from. The fake fruit comes by me trying with all my might to please Him. It usually doesn't last long. It's when He is doing the work in my heart that the fruit naturally pours out. And that's where I want to be.
So, thanks God. You knew I needed those 2 days to rest, relax, be refreshed, and take a break. I came back with a new perspective, and with gratitude that my husband took care of the kids for the weekend!
God is so good!

So thankful for these ladies!! Women from our Calvary Chapel!

Head on over to Alicia's Homemaking to read other women's new adventures! Just click on the button!


  1. I am amazed how God surprises us with just what we need to refresh our souls. I'm glad your retreat did that!

  2. That is awesome! I just missed our women's retreat this year. =( I keep seeing Fruit of the Spirit everywhere lately...a sign? Sounds like a lovely time that you had, and I'm positive that your family is glad to have your back refreshed.

  3. Sounds like an amazing time! :)

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you got to have that time! Much, much needed. How awesome that it all worked out. He is so kind...

  5. So good to have some me-time during these hectic years as a mum...Good for you!
    Love Amelie
