Saturday, October 1, 2011

10 Random Joys

Sometimes it's really easy to get bogged down with all the work that needs to be done around the house, the ill-behaviors of the kids, or my husband working overtime and being gone more. I can easily get depressed about being away from my good friends and family in Chicago and Ohio, not keeping up with the house as much as I'd like, and the fact that I'm only about halfway through my pregnancy!!
But what I really need to do is to stop and thank God for all the many blessings He has given to me and my family. We didn't even know if we would be able to get pregnant with our second and here we are with a third on the way! God is so good. I'm always reminding Maddy that "every good and perfect gift is from above..." So I thought it would be a good time to remind myself and encourage you to remind yourself of all the blessings that you are being showered with right now, be it big or small, and to not let Satan surround your heart with the negative.

  1. I love this time of year, when the leaves are falling, school and schedules are in full swing, and the weather is finally cooler!
  2. Yummy, fresh omelets!
    Adding different, fresh vegetables adds such variety and taste!

  3. Two special kids who love to play together and do things together!

  4. Fun, random day trips with the family!

  5. Our fun, new dog that everyone loves playing with! Well, except when she is biting, nipping, and scratching. But that's besides the point!
  6. Being part of small town fun! We got to go to a local Frontier Festival where Maddy rode a pony and we watched a parade that ended with a herd of cattle walking down the street!

  7. Swim lessons for Maddy! She has really enjoyed her little class and learning new things in the water!
  8. Homeschool fun! I have learned how creative and smart Maddy is as she works on her lessons, learns more about her letters/numbers, and remembers the things she is learning!

  9. I'm so glad that I am feeling better and have so much more energy than before! It's helping me to get more things done that I need to get accomplished!
  10. Special family times! I love when we get to get out as a family and do things together! It looks different now than it did in Chicago, but that makes it fun! We are finding new things to do together on Tad's days off, and really having fun!

    My special big boy who really is almost done taking a bottle!! But isn't he cute???
Well, this sure brightens my mood! No matter what is going on in our lives, we can always find the good, and dwell on that! And not to mention that I have the most amazing, loving husband who I just can't get enough of! I still, after 6 years of marriage, hate when he goes to work, and treasure every hour of his days off! And surprise dates don't hurt, either! Love him!

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