Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Chair

So, in our tiny little house, there isn't much room for any more furniture. But for Christmas, we had to move some things around to get our Christmas tree into the living room in front of the window. Once we took our tree down, I realized we would still have room in front of the window and decided that I wanted a big, easy chair to go there instead. So we started the hunt at our favorite thrift stores. But it seemed like everywhere we looked, the chairs were overpriced and weren't in very good condition. I didn't want to pay over $100 for something that looked like it was out of the dumpster!! So we kept looking.
We went to this little antique shop here in town, and started looking around at the stuff. Most stuff was overpriced and expensive collector's items, but we had fun looking around. Then, in one of his back rooms, we saw a big, easy chair that matched our living room colors and was in really nice condition. Just one chair. I asked him the price, thinking it would be way out of our price range and guess what?? It was $30!! It looked almost brand new! When you put the foot rest up, there is a little hole, but that is pretty much it!! We couldn't believe it! It was in much better condition than all the other ones we had seen and way cheaper!! We couldn't resist!!
And that chair has gotten so much love!! We have never had an easy chair before, so we all take turns lounging in it. The kids actually fit in it together and play games in it, like pretending it is a rocket ship!! Everyone loves it...
Being goofballs.

And I even fit with one kid, or two if they aren't all on top of me!! Well, actually three if you count Ruth.

They boys like their lounging!!

If someone is sitting in the chair, then the kids just sit on them!!

So, now all I guess the chair needs is a name. We haven't officially named her yet, but she makes all of our lives a little bit more relaxing!! Any suggestions??

What is your latest, greatest thrift store find??


  1. But where will you put your Christmas tree next year?! Cute pictures!

  2. Awesome find!! Gotta love those thrift stores! As for a name...sorry I'm no help there, all I could think of was "Stuffing". LOL not very cute! Good luck with that though!

  3. The Embrees bought a canon lens for me at Thrifters Rock here in Alaska. 20 bucks. I am in LOVE with it. :) You are looking great friend! Can't wait to meet that little girl!
