Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Big Move To...

OKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweeping down the plain!!!

(Downtown Enid, OK)

So, for those of you who haven't already heard, we are moving to Oklahoma on or around December 26.


1. We are ready to leave Chicago.
2. Tad is ready to be done working for the Four Seasons. There are many reasons.
3. Most of our friends have moved away.
4. We have no family to be close to and to help with our kids.
5. Tad's family lives in Oklahoma!!
6. It's hard to raise kids in an expensive city where you can only afford a small apartment.
7. With Maddy's high energy, she needs some land to run around on! And a dog to take care of!!
8. We are hoping for a change, opportunities to get involved in ministry, and more opportunity to grow spiritually.
9. We are hoping to eliminate some debt with a lower standard of living, fewer expenses, and cheaper everything!!
10. More stability in a job where Tad doesn't work overnights, and can have more opportunities to get involved in ministry, a small group, and have a regular work schedule.
11. Warmer weather!!
12. City living is hard for raising a family. There are great opportunities for kids, and we have loved our time here, but there are many things that kids miss out on that we want our kids to have (a yard, pets, a bigger place that we can afford for them to run around in, a quieter street to ride bikes and play with other kids, etc.)

While there are more reasons, or more details regarding these reasons, this is the list in a nutshell! Our plan is to have Tad work through Christmas day, which is the last busy day of the season at the hotel. We have a moving truck rented and will probably have 4 of Tad's siblings come help us drive down with all of our stuff. We will live with Tad's family for a little while as we get settled, find a place of our own, and while Tad starts his new job.
(Tad's family's house)

I know that a lot of you knew about this opportunity for us, and others may just be hearing about it now! We are excited, nervous, and in the process of working out all the details. This plan has been in the works now for over a year, and we are finally in the last leg of our planning! We have sought counsel, prayed about this, thought about this, and feel like this move is best for our family. Tad has a job lined up, so this takes care of some concern for right when we get down there. It will be so nice for us to have family around, people to help with the kids, and for Tad to be around as his siblings grow up (there are 6 kids still at home with Charity (7) being the youngest.)
Maddy has so much energy that she just loves our time in Oklahoma. A big backyard to run around in. Lots of aunts and uncles to play with. Grandma and Pops to spoil her!!
I am really looking forward to meeting new people, getting involved in a church where we can grow as a family, serve, and be in small group, being in an area that is more supportive of homeschooling, hopefully having a house with more space for my kids to run around in, and a yard to get some energy out, planting a garden, being near family and family get-togethers, and seeing my husband and kids thrive to be near family! And of course, living closer to Pioneer Woman!!
We would love your prayer for these things:
1. Ease of nerves (especially for me) for a big move. I have only had a big move once, to Chicago, for school.
2. Wrapping up all the odds and ends here in Chicago, and lining up everything in Oklahoma.
3. Wisdom in finding a place of our own, timing, and getting a place that will adequately fit our family.
4. Smooth transition to living with Tad's family, our time there to be pleasant and productive.
5. That the kids would transition well, sleeping arrangements, different environment, realizing this is permanent and not vacation.
6. Wisdom for Tad and I as we make decisions regarding which church to go to, activities to be involved in, meeting new friends.
7. Tad's new job, that he would enjoy it, that it would provide for us, that he would finally have a regular schedule.
8. For our family unit, that we would remain close, and make decisions that are best for our family.
9. That God would direct us into what ministries he would have us be a part of, start, or if we need to not be involved in ministry right away and focus on our relationship with Him.
10. Safety as we travel/move with our car, a moving truck, and possibly Tad's sister's truck.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this, be a part of this with us, and to hopefully keep us in prayer as we continue to get ready for this move. I pray that this is what the Lord would have for us, and that He would be guiding us, even though scary and unknown, into His will and plan for our family. May we be faithful in what He is calling us to.


  1. So excited for you guys and so going to miss you!! My girls are with grandparents next week, but let's schedule some playdates after that before you move!!!!!! :-)

  2. We are happy for you! and will be praying for you.

  3. Closer to Pioneer Women...HAH! ;) Well, this won't be the farthest we have been apart, and we'll be seperated by thousands of miles again when I return to Africa. But thank God for skype, so I can see my little loves grow up, and talk to you. I appreciate our times together so much, and am looking forward to Sunday....can it come sooner please?
    Love you millions girlie. See ya soon.
