Monday, March 1, 2010

First Post, March 1, 2010

Well, this is the first of hopefully many posts on this blog. Up until now, I was not a blogger. But I do love to write, document our family's adventures, post pictures, cook, show off my kids, etc. and now I can do all that on this blog!!
I am a stay at home mom, wife to Tad Davis, who I met at Moody Bible Institutde, and mother to 2 beautiful kids, Madelynn who is 3 1/2, and Judah, who is 2 months. I stay home and raise my kids in our little Chicago apartment, which can be hard in the long winter months, which we are in the middle of right now.
Tad works at the Four Seasons Hotel, seeing all kinds of famous people over the 4 years he's been there. He is a bellman/doorman, and he really enjoys his work and seeing celebrities!!
We like Chicago, but we never intended on staying there after we graduated from Moody, so the fact that we have been there ever since we graduated in 2006 is pretty crazy, but for now, we call it home.
We love to go on "urban adventures" in the city, so hopefully I will get to post some of these on this blog as well. We love long walks in the city, jogging along the lakefront, playing at the beach in the summer, finding fun free stuff for Maddy to do, going to the museums, and just being together as a family. Hopefully someone will enjoy reading about these adventures on this site!!!
Hope you enjoy our blog!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world Steph! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. :) --Bertuch
