Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Announcement!!

Well, I am so sorry that I have been away from the blogging world for so long!! It has been a crazy last few weeks!! The kids and I were out of town for a couple of weeks visiting my family in Ohio, and we had a blast! We did so many things that we haven't done before, especially Maddy! But that will be more in a later post!!
The reason I have been so AWOL lately is because the day before we left for Ohio we found out that we are expecting Baby #3!! We were surprised and excited!! And it was crazy to find out right before our big trip!
We tried for a year to get pregnant with Judah and then finally had to resort to fertility drugs. So we didn't think we could get pregnant on our own! So when we found out that we did, we were elated!
About a week into our trip to Ohio, I started getting sick. More of just the all-day nausea. I had it pretty bad with Maddy, but really not at all with Judah. Soooo, I have pretty much been a bum since then. I also started getting some severe pains that I had with Judah as well, and am waiting to find out at my first appointment what they think they are (if they are different from last time.) It's been hard, I won't lie. I feel like I'm either nauseous, having pain, or just tired and weak and don't feel like doing anything.
I'm used to being busy, running around the house, and being able to do everything myself. It has been difficult to not be able to cook (which I LOVE and miss), really clean my house, and stay on top of things. Everyone keeps telling me it's OK and I'm allowed to rest and not be on top of things. But that doesn't make it easier to look at my dirty house and know that I can't clean it right then.
So enough of the sob story. I will get through it! Hopefully at the end of the first trimester, things will be better! I am due around February 28! I can't believe that we will have 3 kids in no time! So with that said, please forgive me if I'm not around blogging as much as I used to. I will try when I can, but you might just have to wait for my second trimester!! Hope you all are doing well!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Traveling Alone with Kids

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Well we are visiting Ohio for 2 weeks! I took the 2 kids by myself and came to visit my family! When we lived in Chicago, I made the roadtrip by myself dozens of times; it was only 6 hours! Roadtrips are my comfort zone. Kids strapped in to carseats with endless snacks, movies, and naps when they get sleepy. That isn't always fun, either, but at least you don't have to physically wrestle them.
This time, since we just moved to Oklahoma, we decided that we would fly since it is just me and the kids, and a 20 hour roadtrip by myself didn't seem fun. But, we got cheaper tickets out of a city that is 5 hours away! Soooo, we had to do a 5 hour roadtrip, and then fly. And the flight involved a stop and a switch, and getting into the Cleveland airport at 11:30 pm! Let's just say that we were all exhausted. By the end of the last flight, I just wanted to close my eyes and not hear screaming, fussing children that I was responsible for. It was nice to not have to keep my eyes open and hear fussing children for 20 hours straight by myself in the car, I will say, but flying wasn't any picnic either. Yes, it's nice that we didn't have to buy a ticket for Judah since he is 18 months, but that means that a super active toddler has to sit on your lap for the duration of the flight, and let me tell you, he didn't want to do that. The flight attendant came and told me that he had to be on my lap or in the empty seat next to us, and buckled. I just nodded my head and thought, "I hope he either walks away and doesn't look back, or he can come try to make him sit still!"
Judah was pretty inconsolable by the end of the flight, and refused to sleep the whole time. He got one 45 minute nap the whole day! The good news is that we are visiting Ohio for 2 weeks, so I don't have to think about doing that again right away!
I did feel like I was adequately prepared though. I had new dollar store toys for each of them, new snacks, snack size M&M bags, McDonalds food to eat on the plane, a little casino game with buttons for Judah(thinking I could give him that to play with instead of my phone). I even had my ipod to try to distract them. But I will just say, when they are done, they are done. Nothing can console them when they have limited space, limited sleep, and it's late. So, after all that griping, I will give you a little list of the things I am thankful for concerning that adventure!!
1. We got to fly instead of drive 20 hrs. I might have lost my mind!
2. We met a nice girl on part of the flight, she helped me immensely!
3. On 2 legs of the flight, we had an extra seat, so Judah was a little more entertained and not as fussy.
4. With there being 3 legs of the flight, at least we weren't on any plane for too long. The flights seemed pretty short.
5. Judah was briefly entertained by the planes and the wings of the planes, so that was a blessing.
6. Drinks/snacks on the plane!! They loved getting their little drinks with straws and their own little bags of pretzels!
7. Kind people on the plane; no one told me off for my noisy, fussy kids!
8. Maddy was very well-behaved. She colored, helped with Judah, was very obedient, and even tried her hardest to sleep on the last part of the flight, but with Judah being so fussy, it was kind of impossible.
9. It could have been worse. Judah wasn't fussy the whole time, and I thought he would attempt to get down and out of the seat much more. He kind of knew he couldn't get down into the aisle, so that kept me from having to chase him everywhere.
10. I am so thankful I am here visiting my family!!! My Uncle and Aunt are here from China, my Uncle is here from Florida, my other Uncle is here from Tennessee, and it's great being here with family. And of course the kids get to see their Papa and Nana! The kids are having a blast, sleeping well, and I have gotten to see a lot of my friends as well! We have been having a great time!! So until the flight/drive home, we will enjoy ourselves!! And if you think of it, keep us in your prayers on July 12 as we will be traveling back to Oklahoma!!